What is Financial Planning?
Financial planning is a process that can help you reach your goals by evaluating your whole financial situation, then outlining strategies that are
customized to your individual needs and available resources. One of the main benefits of having a financial plan is that it can help you balance
conflicting financial priorities. A financial plan will clearly show you how your financial goals are related; for example, how saving for your children's
college education might impact your ability to save for retirement. Then you will use the information you've gathered to decide how to prioritize your
goals, implement specific strategies, and choose suitable products or services. Best of all, you'll have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that
your financial life is on track.
Why Financial Planning?
You almost certainly have plans - starting a family, buying a primary or secondary home, retiring, or maybe annual vacation - but have you looked into the
financial implications of turning those plans into reality?
The sooner you start financial planning, the better chance you have of realizing your goals.
Benefits of Financial Planning
Helps you understand your present Financial standing
Helps you eliminate the drawbacks in present method of Money management
Helps you evaluate your capability to fulfil your needs in desired time schedule
Help protect and grow your savings & investments in a tax efficient way.
Protect dependents and income from the unexpected and the unwelcome events.
Increase the after-tax legacy you pass on to your beneficiaries.